How to enlarge the head of the penis

enlarges the head of the penis

Many men worry about their "masculine" size, which is why information about how to enlarge the glans of the penis is so popular. Today there are several methods that allow you to achieve results, but it is worth saying that the effect will be temporary.

How to enlarge the head of the penis - medical methods

There are two most popular ways to increase penis size:

  1. Sewing according to the matrix, helps to lengthen the head and thereby increase its size. Despite the popularity of this method, it is necessary to be aware of its danger, because during surgery, blood vessels are compressed, and this can lead to serious problems.
  2. Use hyaluronic acid gel. If you are wondering whether it is possible to safely enlarge the head of the penis, then you should pay attention to this option. The gel is injected into the head and takes on the desired shape, thereby increasing elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is produced in the body so it is not eliminated and does not cause any problems. The gel is excreted from the body, which means the procedure will have to be repeated every year.

How to enlarge the head of the penis manually?

Among all the folk methods, there is one exercise that deserves attention. To do this, you need to squeeze the erect penis at the base and slowly move your hand towards the head.

This creates a certain pressure, which increases blood flow.

After just a week of daily exercise, you will notice a good result: the head will be shaped like a mushroom cap and will also become more voluminous.

There is another exercise that involves squeezing the shaft of your penis until it becomes very hard. Then you need to rest and repeat everything again. Such alternating compression will enlarge the head and promote a more reliable erection.

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How to enlarge the head of the penis

It is very difficult to meet a person who is one hundred percent satisfied with his own appearance. Representatives of the stronger sex often feel self-doubt, but in most cases they do not let others understand this. The cause of concern for men is often the shape, diameter or length of the genitals.

One of the most common problems is the small size of the penis head. Such a nuisance does not cause any inconvenience to the person himself, but there is a fear of not satisfying his partner in bed or disappointing her on the first date.

First of all it should be said that usually the size of the tip of the genital organ is necessarily larger than the diameter of the shaft. But often the structure of the male genital organ does not correspond to such indicators.

In this situation, the representative of the stronger sex begins to have problems in her sexual life, since the small head of the penis cannot fully stimulate the vagina of her partner. The man in this case also receives less pleasure during sex.

Therefore, the decision to increase the penis significantly is quite reasonable.

At the present time, medicine is certainly at its highest level, making it possible for representatives of the stronger sex to increase the size of their penis.

One of the most common methods is to use an extender, part of which is fixed on the tip of the genital organ. If this part of the penis is too small, the device cannot be securely fixed.

Therefore, men are forced to resort to the first measures to increase it.

But sometimes the desire of men to change the size of their heads has nothing to do with the presence of any problems in their sexual life. This part of the organ is the most sensitive and its increase will have a positive effect on erection and direct sensation during sexual intercourse.

What exercises help expand the head?

The most effective way to change penis size at home is to regularly perform some exercises. The advantage of this method is that the man does not have to undergo surgery and long rehabilitation. Furthermore, there is no need for capital investment.

To perform the first exercise, you need to achieve an erection through masturbation, then squeeze the penis at the base with your fingers.

You need to stay in this position until the penis becomes extremely hard. As soon as you achieve the desired result, you should release your finger for a few seconds.

When the penis begins to stretch, you must squeeze it again immediately.

To get a positive result, it is recommended to perform such manipulations daily ten times in one session. This exercise helps solve the problem by significantly increasing the pressure on the upper part of the penis. Moreover, in this way it will be possible to improve erection.

To properly perform the following technique, you need to sit on the edge of a chair or sofa and spread your legs as wide as possible. Then, you need to use one hand to gently squeeze the base of the penis and then hit the left and right thighs alternately.

It is very important to calculate your own strength, because if you do too much, you can get injured. Exercise should not be a source of pain or discomfort. It should be repeated for seven minutes.

Positive changes are achieved due to hardening of the head. Furthermore, after two weeks from the start of training, the sensitivity of this genital area will begin to decrease, which will help delay ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

The last but most effective exercise is the following exercise. You need to sit comfortably on the sofa and squeeze the penis at the base. Then slowly you need to move your fingers directly to the head without reducing the compression.

To better understand the essence of this technique, it is enough to imagine the process of milking a cow. The exercise must be performed daily for twelve minutes.

If discomfort occurs, you can use a special lubricant so as not to damage the delicate dermis.

The whole benefit lies in the fact that blood flow to the upper part of the penis increases significantly, and this contributes to the expansion of the vascular system. Thus, the volume of the head will gradually increase to the desired size. The listed exercises must be performed comprehensively to achieve good results.

Enlarges the glans of the penis

The head of the penis is a thick cone-shaped mass composed of spongy spongy tissue. The leading edge covers the corpora cavernosa, fuses with them and forms the corolla. Compared to the shaft of the penis, the head, even in an erect state, is still soft and elastic. A large number of nerve endings make the head of the penis especially sensitive.

Like the penis, the head can come in different shapes and sizes. In some cases, it can look disproportionate and insufficient size can cause psychological complications, low self-esteem and hinder a fulfilling sex life.

Men often encounter this problem after cosmetic surgery to thicken the penis.

Meanwhile, enlarging the glans penis is the most difficult area in genital surgery.

This is because the tissue structure of the glans cannot be affected nearly and the final result of the intervention cannot be guaranteed.

This creates a certain risk of complications and unpredictable results, which plastic surgeons must warn against in advance.

However, if the decision to increase penis size is still made, cosmetic surgery has the necessary techniques.

Strictly speaking, there are two methods to enlarge the glans of the penis:

  • surgery,
  • no surgery.

Non-surgical methodconsists of injecting a special gel based on hyaluronic acid into the head according to the principle of contouring. Hyaluronic acid is a natural matrix of human soft tissue, and its inclusion actually allows you to slightly enlarge the head of the penis.

As a rule, such an operation is performed after increasing penis size (mainly thickness), after which the relatively small head looks unproportioned. A significant drawback of this method is that it is possible to enlarge the head only to certain, very limited limits.

That is why this method is often used when it is necessary to enlarge the head of the penis in a calm state rather than an erection. Therefore, the main focus of this technique is aesthetic rather than functional correction.

Another disadvantage of hyaluronic acid injections is that over time the gel based on it dissolves, so it is necessary to repeat injections every 1-1. 5 years.

In the clinic, glans penis enlargement is performed usingCosmetic Surgery. The surgical method of enlarging the glans penis involves placing a matrix between it and the corpora cavernosa, which lengthens the glans, increasing its diameter.

Matrix implantation allows you to significantly increase the size of the head, both in a calm and erect state. This method of penile glans enlargement is the main method used in modern cosmetic surgery practice in Europe.

A possible complication of surgery is damage to the blood vessels supplying the tissues of the head, which over time can lead to atrophy and even necrosis.

Therefore, before deciding on penile glans enlargement surgery, as a rule, the surgeon should weigh the pros and cons and only if the patient is willing to accept such risks should the surgery be performed. art.

The main argument in favor of this technique, used in modern clinics, is that there are virtually no alternatives, since there are no other effective ways to enlarge the glans of the penis.

The fact is that the size of the head is determined by the volume of its spongy tissue, which cannot be increased with the use of dilators or the use of hormonal drugs or other means. Therefore, the only real chance to enlarge the head of the penis remains plastic surgery - matrix implantation.

How to enlarge the head

Any questions that arise require resolution. One of the sensitive issues for some men is the size of their penis head. A certain stereotype has developed among the stronger half of humanity that the larger the head size, the better the quality of intimate intimacy with a woman, from which she receives great pleasure. But this has more to do with myth than fact.

In real life, during sexual intimacy, a woman is completely satisfied with her partner if the relationship between them is harmonious, filled with love, respect and mutual understanding. And the size of the male genital organ does not play a big role, the main thing is the psychological aspect.

How to enlarge the head

But what should men who are really dissatisfied with the size of their penis head and want it bigger?

Characteristics of the glans penis

The head of a penis of a certain size cannot grow as large as a man wants. During sex, the scalp of the penis easily stretches and softens. But of course, it cannot last indefinitely.

Some young men, to enlarge the head of the penis, use special hormonal drugs or penis extenders. This type of device and tablets promotes the growth of cavernous tissue. This directly leads to growth of the penis and head. But there are other ways to enlarge the head.

Expand the head with a matrix

The most common and popular way in the world to increase the size of the head of the penis is the matrix. The increase occurs due to the arrangement of a special matrix between the corpora cavernosa and the head of the penis. The matrix acts as a kind of pillow on which gradual expansion and expansion of the glans penis occurs.

The matrix is installed during operation. It is worth noting that any surgical intervention always has potential negative consequences.

If complications occur, the head of the penis can even be completely lost.

Although in medical practice there have been cases of unsuccessful surgery and a high risk of complications, this method is very popular among men who want to enhance their masculinity.

Increase the size of the penis head with a special gel

This method is also in demand among a certain group of men. Head expansion occurs by introducing gel directly into its tissue. The basis of the gel is hyaluronic acid.

The result will not be long in coming - upon injection, the head of the penis begins to enlarge before our eyes. But it is worth noting that the increase occurs only in a calm form.

This does not affect erection - the size of the penis remains the same.

The ideal methods for enlarging the head of the penis have not yet been invented. But don't worry, nature cannot make mistakes, you just need to learn how to make the most of what it has given to each man.

Prepare for glans penis enlargement

Before each surgical intervention, the patient is comprehensively prepared. It includes consultation with a doctor and necessary tests. Preparation allows you to assess the patient's general condition and carefully plan the surgical procedure. Before enlarging the head of the penis, the following are prescribed:

  • blood tests (general analysis, testing for HIV, RW, hepatitis B and C, coagulation, Rh factor and blood type)
  • General urinalysis
  • ECG
  • consultation with an anesthesiologist
  • consult a urologist

Operational techniques

Surgery is performed under anesthesia. The route of administration and analgesics are selected after a comprehensive examination of the patient. For anesthesia, spinal, intravenous and mask anesthesia are used. During anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain and sleeps peacefully.

During the operation, the surgeon accesses the corpora cavernosa of the penis and installs a special matrix between them and the glans. The placed matrix will lengthen the head and significantly increase its diameter.

Types of surgical interventions

Surgery to increase the size of the glans penis is performed using a minimally traumatic technique.

For matrix transplantation there is no need to use one's own flaps from other parts of the body and does not leave rough scars on the patient's body.

Like all surgical interventions, this operation has appropriate certification. This proves its safety and effectiveness.

Rehabilitation after glans penis enlargement

Recovery time after penis enlargement surgery does not last long. Patients spend the first few days (1-3 days) after surgery in a comfortable hospital under the supervision of a surgeon. If the dynamics are positive, the man is discharged from the hospital and receives recommendations to limit physical activity and sexual activity for 1-2 months.

How to enlarge the head of the penis

Holdenlarges the glans of the penislocal anesthesia on an outpatient basis, after the glans enlargement procedure it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3 days.

Over the course of a year, the gel gradually dissolves from the tip of the penis, but the main mass of gel remains after a year.

The glans penis enlargement procedure is also performed in complicated cases of penis enlargement, such as when penis lengthening.

Hyaluronic acid gel for penis glans enlargement

Enlarging the glans penis is a completely safe procedure. The gel injected into the head to enlarge it includes hyaluronic acid, which is part of our body's connective tissue.

The main feature of the procedure for inserting the gel into the head of the penis is the need to inject the gel with a minimum number of injections into the head, usually about 3 times.

Frequently asked questions about glans penis enlargement

How to prepare for glans penis enlargement? How to enlarge the head of the penis

To enlarge the glans penis, a preoperative examination is required for surgery under local anesthesia. Make an appointment by phone for penis enlargement surgery. Before the day of surgery, it is necessary to shave the surgical area - scrotum, pubic bone, inner thighs

Will the seam show after the penis head expands?

The gel is injected into the glans penis through multiple injections, so there is simply no need for stitches when enlarging the glans penis.

What ensures that the penis head will get bigger after penis enlargement surgery?

We've been doing this for a long timeenlarges the glans of the penisand we have excellent results in penis glans enlargement. If you follow your doctor's recommendations after enlarging the head of your penis, the results are guaranteed. We have experience injecting more than 10ml of gel into the glans, but the results are no different than when using 10ml of gel to enlarge the glans.

Are there any other methods to enlarge the glans of the penis?

Unfortunately, there is no other method to enlarge the head of the penis. This is the only way to enlarge the glans of the penis

What recommendations should be followed after glans penis enlargement?

3-4 days after the glans penis enlarges, you can start having sex. There are no other restrictions

How long does the gel last in the penis after enlargement?

As a rule, the gel lasts in the head for 6-12 months, which ensures a long-term increase in the head of the penis. But in some patients, the gel dissolves faster, in others more slowly. This was unpredictable. For a longer-lasting glans enlargement effect, we perform multiple injections of gel into the glans

Enlarges the glans of the penis

The size of the penis significantly affects the pleasure a man can give his partner during intercourse. Not all men are satisfied with the size, so surgery to enlarge the glans penis is a necessity. But does such surgical intervention have any effect?

It is not possible to enlarge the glans of the penis with surgery. The reason lies in the structure of this organ - spongy spongy tissue. The head of the penis is covered with a thin layer of skin and in an erect state it will have a certain volume.

Size depends on the volume of spongy tissue; although the skin stretches during erection, the tunica albuginea does not. That is, the volume of the glans penis is limited, so surgical enlargement of the glans penis is not possible.

Although the length of the penis can be increased by stretching the tunica albuginea in various ways, the head of the penis cannot be increased in this way. After all, the length is regulated not only by the volume of the cavernous tissue, but also by the area of the tunica albuginea itself.

To increase the length of the penis, people use hormonal stimulation or extenders. Enlargement of the head of the penis can occur with the help of hormonal drugs. But this method is not suitable for everyone, so its effectiveness is unclear.

There are special gels that stimulate the penis head to grow larger, but this method is only effective in a calm state. In an erect state, the penis will not grow larger, but on the contrary, the head may shrink due to natural blood circulation disorders. The gel fills the space of the spongy tissue and impedes blood flow to the glans during erection.

The size of the glans penis varies from man to man; some have developed organs, others have small glans penis. Usually, size problems occur in patients who have undergone penile thickening surgery. Then a head that is too small looks unnatural.